Estos días nos cuenta Allen Bush en el foro americano de originales una experiencia un tanto desagradable. Resulta que este coleccionista realizó una mudanza hace unos meses y con el tiempo, cuando se ha puesto a revisar las carpetas de originales se ha dado cuenta que le falta una portada de Thor. No tiene ni idea de quien se la ha podido robar. Demasiadas personas han entrado y salido de su nueva casa. Piensa que puede que incluso quien se la haya sustraido no sepa su valor -él la tenía tasada en $11,500- y avisa que la tenía en consignement en la web de Will Gabri-El. Aún está.
La historia completa y en versión original sería ésta:
" (...) Sadly, I am going to add to this recent string of posts concerning art thievery...
I moved into a new home in January. I have had to repair many, many things in this house (can you say "Money Pit"). With all of the various people in/out of my home (or possibly an intruder, who knows), this piece has been stolen. I am also fairly certain that the thief has no idea of the value of what he/she has acquired.
I hesitated reporting this as I hoped that it would miraculously re-materialize/ be found hiding in my underwear drawer. But, I have torn my home apart (even opening my framed art to see if somehow the piece had decided to hide behind a framed piece) and this piece has not appeared.
I discovered that this piece was missing as I was running inventory on the pieces that I was going to take with me to SDCC this year. So, I can place the timeline of the theft somewhere between May 1 and prior to SDCC. If any of you happens to come across this cover, I will happily shower you with money and/or free vintage comic art panel pages.
This piece was on consignment with Will Gabri-El. But, it was never in his possession. So, if the item shows up on Will's site, please do not think that he is the perpetrator.
Thanks for your time and BE CAREFUL with your art. Times are tough for many people right now. It seems to me that many individuals are getting desperate."
Bueno, alguno habrá pensado, joder, que tampoco es para tanto. ¿Podrían haberle robado una carpeta entera de originales? Sí, y la portada de The Uncanny X-Men de Dave Cockrum. Claro, y también que alguien se hubiera dejado una colilla encendida y que hubiera ardido toda la casa y su colección completa. ¡¡Eso sí que habría sido cojunudamente terrorífico!! ¡Mira que sois malas personas!
En fín, que la portada de marras sería ésta, obra de Gil Kane (lápices) y John Romita Sr. (tintas):
La historia completa y en versión original sería ésta:
" (...) Sadly, I am going to add to this recent string of posts concerning art thievery...
I moved into a new home in January. I have had to repair many, many things in this house (can you say "Money Pit"). With all of the various people in/out of my home (or possibly an intruder, who knows), this piece has been stolen. I am also fairly certain that the thief has no idea of the value of what he/she has acquired.
I hesitated reporting this as I hoped that it would miraculously re-materialize/ be found hiding in my underwear drawer. But, I have torn my home apart (even opening my framed art to see if somehow the piece had decided to hide behind a framed piece) and this piece has not appeared.
I discovered that this piece was missing as I was running inventory on the pieces that I was going to take with me to SDCC this year. So, I can place the timeline of the theft somewhere between May 1 and prior to SDCC. If any of you happens to come across this cover, I will happily shower you with money and/or free vintage comic art panel pages.
This piece was on consignment with Will Gabri-El. But, it was never in his possession. So, if the item shows up on Will's site, please do not think that he is the perpetrator.
Thanks for your time and BE CAREFUL with your art. Times are tough for many people right now. It seems to me that many individuals are getting desperate."
Bueno, alguno habrá pensado, joder, que tampoco es para tanto. ¿Podrían haberle robado una carpeta entera de originales? Sí, y la portada de The Uncanny X-Men de Dave Cockrum. Claro, y también que alguien se hubiera dejado una colilla encendida y que hubiera ardido toda la casa y su colección completa. ¡¡Eso sí que habría sido cojunudamente terrorífico!! ¡Mira que sois malas personas!
En fín, que la portada de marras sería ésta, obra de Gil Kane (lápices) y John Romita Sr. (tintas):

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